09 February 2013

Installing Squid as a Proxy Server

Squid is a proxy server meaning it can be used for (amongst other things):
  • Caching pages to speed up client browsing experience.
  • Protect/prevent your users from visiting particular pages or domains.
  • Filtering/altering returned content e.g. replacing every instance of the word BBC with Auntie in web pages.
It can also be used as a Reverse Proxy meaning it can cache the response from (one or more) web server(s) thereby reducing the load on the server.

One prerequisite for this guide is a Linux server. I’ll be using Ubuntu server 10.04 but you can use any distribution you feel comfortable with. I have written previously about installing Debian and the steps are much the same for Ubuntu as it’s based on that.

Install Squid
  1. Install Apache:
    sudo apt-get install apache2
  2. Install Squid:
    sudo apt-get install squid
  3. Edit the configuration file:
    vi /etc/squid/squid.conf
  4. Edit config:
    sudo vi /etc/squid/squid.conf
    1. /http_port 3[Enter] to search for the http_port
Ref: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Squid

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